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puff of wind中文是什么意思

用"puff of wind"造句"puff of wind"怎么读"puff of wind" in a sentence


  • 猫掌风
  • 阵风


  • A puff of wind swept his hat off
  • Ex . : my words are taken as a puff of wind in my son ' s ears , while what his teacher said are decree
  • It ' s a metaphor for unheeded advice or demand , just like a puff of wind passing the ear , without leaving any trace
  • These my lamps are blown out at every little puff of wind , and trying to light them i forget all else again and again
  • And i felt him to be more fragile still . i felt the need of protecting him , as if he himself were a flame that might be extinguished by a little puff of wind . .
  • A puff of wind was heeling the boat over till the deck was awash , and he , one hand on tiller and the other on main - sheet , was luffing slightly , at the same time peering ahead to make out the near - lying north shore
  • " but tell me now , count , " exclaimed albert , delighted at the idea of having to chaperon so distinguished a person as monte cristo ; " tell me truly whether you are in earnest , or if this project of visiting paris is merely one of the chimerical and uncertain air castles of which we make so many in the course of our lives , but which , like a house built on the sand , is liable to be blown over by the first puff of wind ?
    “请告诉我,伯爵, ”阿尔贝大声说道,他想到能介绍一位象基督山伯爵这样出色的人物,心里高兴, “请实话告诉我,您访问巴黎的这个计划,究竟是出于真心呢,还是那种我们在人生旅途中逢场作戏常许的空愿,象一座建筑在沙堆上的房屋一样,被风一吹就倒了? ”
用"puff of wind"造句  


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